Case studie

This was a real nice case. The client asked us to do a series of six interactive images for promotional use. They wanted state of the art, best money could buy. The first question, we want a realistic price of the whole production. So we set down for a day to work it all out. We came up with a big price. That's all good they said, but can you make for the third of that. Again we set down for a day and did figure it out. The client has lots of people working for them, so if they could work for us, then we could fix it. That's the nice part. The client did lots of production by themself so we could just came in and do our thing.

About ten days of photography, about the double amount of post production. What we could not shoot on location we made in 3D. Look at the result, we are proud of it and so is the client.. This is what you get when you work with the client on a co production basis. Make it possible !
